When purchasing at Hiboostnutrition, customers will have 30 days from purchase to return the product
Conditions for exchanging and returning products: Exchanged goods must meet the following conditions:
- Product is intact, unused.
- Goods with hiboostnutrition logo stamp (each product purchased at hiboostnutrition is stamped with hiboostnutrition's stamp to better serve customers)
- Labels are not torn. The box is not punctured, scratched, or discolored.
- The label is not faded or torn.
- Purchase invoice and phone number information are correct for the product to be exchanged.
For customers living far away who receive goods via delivery services, the goods will be exchanged within 30 days. You will pay 2-way shipping costs.
To exchange or return the product, please package it carefully and contact the ordering facility or call the hotline: 098 329 72 59 Get the best and fastest support.
If the specified time exceeds, we will not be able to receive and exchange the product for you.